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If you have a vag eprom programmer 119 and need to remove the password on it, this is for you. First of all, you'll need a 29f002 eprom chip and a byte of wire. You will also require power from a USB port or from 3 AA batteries. You will also need (of course) the software which is on Here is the procedure which works 100% of the time:The same method can be used to remove the password from alesis, boss, roland eprom programmer, ms2000 and many other brands. The 29f002 eproms have a capacity of 256kb and are available at ebay for a couple dollars to anyone who has a vag eprom programmer 119 or a similar device with a 29f002 chip inside. The 29f002 are rated at .7V and are only 2 uF, so they are perfect for this job. As far as I know, no one has ever released a driver for this device. But what you have to do is open the Microsoft DOS Box under windows 98/ME, your vag programmer 119 should have a Microsoft DOS box under it. Then run the program "wincmd" which is the command where you input these codes:Then hit enter and click on apply or save changes. When it is finished, power up the vag programmer 119 and you'll have a fully working device. Note: Do not do this if you have a 2MB eprom chip set inside your vag eprom programmer 119.Title:Vag Eeprom Programmer 119 Crack Title:After Cracking Vag Eprom Programmer 119. what Now?! com/watch?v=E4-K1YEyP0k eccc085e13